Where is the new Tehachapi battery loco?
Author: GECX 3000
Date: 12-09-2020 - 18:35

Oddball battery loco was towed to Barstow this weekend from the factory. Has it run west yet? Made by Wabtec, it is supposed to recharge running downhill on Tehachapi and help pull uphill. It was to run Barstow-Stockton, but only have enough juice for Tehachapi?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Where is the new Tehachapi battery loco? GECX 3000 12-09-2020 - 18:35
  Re: Where is the new Tehachapi battery loco? FUD 12-09-2020 - 22:20
  Re: Where is the new Tehachapi battery loco? An Observer 12-10-2020 - 10:14

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