Re: REAL PSR!! Not your typical UP BS
Author: Bob Infinity+1
Date: 01-18-2021 - 12:04

FUD Wrote:
> Max Planck Institute researchers show
> computationally that an AI with high-level
> intelligence is not controllable:
> []-
> human-17564/
> Luckily, intelligence of those Lego-bots is on the
> order of a mosquito or less. So far...

Geez, any science fiction author from 50 years ago coulda told us that.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  REAL PSR!! Not your typical UP BS JOHN 01-16-2021 - 22:30
  Re: REAL PSR!! Not your typical UP BS Yep 01-16-2021 - 22:49
  Re: REAL PSR!! Not your typical UP BS FUD 01-18-2021 - 09:42
  Re: REAL PSR!! Not your typical UP BS Bob Infinity+1 01-18-2021 - 12:04
  Re: REAL PSR!! Not your typical UP BS FUD 01-19-2021 - 08:20
  Re: REAL PSR!! Not your typical UP BS Bob Infinity+1 01-19-2021 - 08:56

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