Re: "Stereo Realist 3D Slide" -- interesting
Author: WAF
Date: 04-19-2021 - 15:16

> Westward train on A Yard #1 at Taylor Yard.
Coast train SF/I circa 71 or 72

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  "Stereo Realist 3D Slide" -- interesting SP 0-6-0 04-18-2021 - 21:09
  Re: "Stereo Realist 3D Slide" -- interesting OPRRMS 04-18-2021 - 21:46
  Re: "Stereo Realist 3D Slide" -- interesting WAF 04-19-2021 - 15:16
  Stereoscopic(s) "never really caught on" !? You are ill-informed! Specter Charles Wheatstone 04-18-2021 - 23:34
  Re: Stereoscopic(s) "never really caught on" !? You are ill-informed! Bruce Kelly 04-19-2021 - 08:32
  Re: Stereoscopic(s) "never really caught on" !? You are ill-informed! Good for 3ish 04-19-2021 - 09:16
  Re: "Stereo Realist 3D Slide" -- interesting Commenter 04-19-2021 - 10:32

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