Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-ha ve-been-catastrophic
Author: John
Date: 07-23-2021 - 07:25

The whole story seems hyped up a bit .Usually anytime a crossing gate signal system is tampered with the gates go down and stay down until the problem is resolved. It's a built in failsafe system. Getting the gates to go up and clear is more difficult. The gates are also protected by a short separate "island " circuit within the crossing. Anytime a train goes through a crossing "it could have been catastrophic"

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Man tampers with MRL signal box in Missoula E.H. Scaryman 07-20-2021 - 16:20
  man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-have-been-catast rophic Tyrone Biggums 07-20-2021 - 17:19
  Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-have-been-cata strophic Liberal Leftist Loonie 07-20-2021 - 21:33
  Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-have-been-ca tastrophic E.H. Scaryman 07-20-2021 - 21:52
  Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-have-been- catastrophic E.H. Scaryman 07-20-2021 - 21:56
  Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-have-been- catastrophic Observer 07-20-2021 - 22:00
  Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-have-bee n-catastrophic Alan Lock-Smithee 07-20-2021 - 22:29
  Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-have-been-ca tastrophic No, you're just stupid 07-21-2021 - 04:39
  Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-have-been- catastrophic DHB 07-21-2021 - 06:33
  Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-have-bee n-catastrophic Mike 07-21-2021 - 08:51
  So racism is ok on AP when racist Democrats write it? Racistcrats lack self-control 07-21-2021 - 15:46
  Re: So racism is ok on AP when racist Democrats write it? Anon 07-21-2021 - 16:16
  Re: So racism is ok on AP when racist Democrats write it? And you as well.. 07-22-2021 - 00:37
  Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-have-been-ca tastrophic Anon 07-21-2021 - 10:03
  Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-have-been- catastrophic An Observer 07-21-2021 - 11:05
  Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-have-bee n-catastrophic Anon 07-21-2021 - 11:54
  Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-have-b een-catastrophic An Observer 07-21-2021 - 12:11
  Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-have -been-catastrophic Anon 07-21-2021 - 15:41
  Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-ha ve-been-catastrophic John 07-23-2021 - 07:25
  Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-have-been- catastrophic Bruce Kelly 07-21-2021 - 14:39
  Re: man-tampers-with-montana-rail-link-control-boxes-damage-could-have-bee n-catastrophic Observer 07-24-2021 - 22:46

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