Re: Down hill from here? Tired Old news
Author: pull apart
Date: 01-16-2022 - 08:40

Angle Bar Wrote:
> I would love to hear the perspective on the SMART
> freight takeover from people who currently operate
> the NWP Railroad. I bet reality is not so rosy.
> I suspect SMART will give up on freight when they
> realize how much dedication it takes to run a
> shortline freight railroad and how hard it is to
> make money.

Where have you been? We have talked about this on AP and predicted this for more than a year. At least a year ago it was stated that SMART under political pressure would rid itself of the tank car storage, become a money losing operation, determine that there was little if any new shippers willing to use freight rail and at some point exit the freight service.Gain control of the Ignacio -Lombard segment and continue empire building eastward to Fairfield.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  PD Report on SMART Planning to Throw Away $500,000 every year Kenneth 01-15-2022 - 07:41
  Try this link instead Kraut 01-15-2022 - 09:05
  Re: Try this link instead Strange Mallard 01-15-2022 - 11:17
  Re: Try this link instead NWP 01-15-2022 - 16:03
  Down hill from here? Angle Bar 01-15-2022 - 19:23
  Re: Down hill from here? Tired Old news pull apart 01-16-2022 - 08:40 eration-ditches-gas-tanker-storage Kraut'sour link 01-15-2022 - 19:47

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