Re: Does Trigger ever want to have reality-based discussion?
Author: K Endwahl
Date: 05-15-2022 - 05:00

Trigger Wrote:
> Look, dunce, secretary of transportation doesn't
> just focus on foamers and passenger rail. Madi is
> perfect though, cross-dressing and all. He knows
> how to drive really well also, all dot type
> issues. Perfect candidate.

Knowing how to drive really really well does not qualify a person to be US Secretary of Transportation.

A perfect candidate champions all modes of transportation and would not be in opposition to passenger rail.

There are many, many passenger rail advocates and vastly more passenger rail users who are not foamers. Maybe you should get out in the real world and attending a few meetings where improved passenger rail is discussed and ride passenger trains to see who are using them.

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  Re: Does Trigger ever want to have reality-based discussion? Trigger 05-14-2022 - 22:10
  Re: Does Trigger ever want to have reality-based discussion? K Endwahl 05-15-2022 - 05:00
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