Re: Muni Heritage Day this Saturday
Author: Trolley museum member
Date: 06-05-2022 - 07:25

. Wrote:
> Was this an authentic MUNI cable car used in this
> promotional poster for the annual Sodom and
> Gomorrah Festival ... oh, ... I mean the Folsom
> Street Fair?
> I don't see a fleet number written on it
> anywhere.
> []
> /AAAAAAADYp0/wfFYfJLC9Mk/s1600/Folsom2015.jpg

Wow, the Market Street Railway and San Francisco Muni put on this very nice event and this is your response???

Yeah, I get that San Francisco has a lot of gay people, but so what? That's been the case for a long time.

Anyone who has an interest in transit history knows that San Francisco has one of the most interesting systems anywhere in the United States. There are very few American cities which have preserved transit history with heritage transit vehicles to the extent done in San Francisco.

Most normal rail/transit buffs would focus on this event and not reply with some silly graphic.

I guess the operative word is "normal" which you aren't.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Muni Heritage Day this Saturday o 06-02-2022 - 10:50
  Re: Muni Heritage Day this Saturday . 06-03-2022 - 03:58
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  Re: Muni Heritage Day this Saturday . 06-03-2022 - 11:49
  OCD treatment for you For . 06-03-2022 - 13:49
  Re: Muni Heritage Day this Saturday Trigger 06-03-2022 - 14:50
  Re: Muni Heritage Day this Saturday Trolley museum member 06-05-2022 - 07:25
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  Re: The New Normal For . 06-05-2022 - 11:04
  Re: The New Trigger Out of the Closet! 06-06-2022 - 15:37

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