I stopped reading when I got the the part about the 7-11 "convince" store.
Since the U.S.A., Canada, Australia and the U.K. are starting to act more and more like Communist China with each passing day (examples: suppression of free speech; political "dog and pony" shows where hearsay is allowed and cross examination is not; "show trials" where the verdict is pre-determined [Steve Bannon]; ritual public shaming; destruction of private property, social credit compilations, to name a few), maybe the Berzerkley police will borrow a chapter from the Chinese and, instead of using tear gas, they'll just mow everyone down with machine gunfire like what we saw in Tinanmen Square (and like what the CCP and Silicon Valley-based Cisco Systems have worked very hard at trying to cleanse all references to from the Internet). This method of restoring order with bullets also worked very efficiently in the Tlatelolco section of Mexico City in October of 1968. Of course, the police will only go after groups like the Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer and other "domestic terrorists" (such as parents attending school board meetings who are upset with LGBT grooming, CRT and the 1619 Project) and will look the other way when "mostly peaceful" protesters like AntiFa and BLM torch buildings, kill people and destroy private property.