Re: Portland, SP&S engine house
Author: Hot Water
Date: 10-26-2022 - 12:58

photo post Wrote:
> Someone shot this SP&S FA at a yard in Portland.
> I see a BN switcher in the background.
> No idea if the yard or the FA still exist.

I believe that might be the Hoyt Street roundhouse and yard. Now all gone. The Alco FA is also probably gone.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Portland, SP&S engine house photo post 10-26-2022 - 12:45
  Re: Portland, SP&S engine house Hot Water 10-26-2022 - 12:58
  Re: Portland, SP&S engine house Dan 10-26-2022 - 14:02
  Re: Portland, SP&S engine house re 10-26-2022 - 14:34
  Re: Portland, SP&S engine house Dan 10-26-2022 - 18:06
  More likely Vancouver Goatboat 10-26-2022 - 15:14
  Re: More likely Vancouver & Fun Fact George Andrews 10-26-2022 - 20:19
  Re: Portland, SP&S engine house -- FA? Ross Hall 10-27-2022 - 16:16
  Re: Portland, SP&S engine house -- FA? 8^O 10-27-2022 - 17:15

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