Re: Camp 18 Logging Museum near Elsie, Oregon
Author: and...?
Date: 11-23-2022 - 12:14

Vid just seen Wrote:
> This collection is falling apart.

Have you called them and offered to help them restore that equipment or at the least provide some security at night when the local Sheriffs' Office is badly understaffed and just doesn't have the manpower to patrol that out of the way corner of the county?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Camp 18 Logging Museum near Elsie, Oregon Vid just seen 11-22-2022 - 14:24
  Re: Camp 18 Logging Museum near Elsie, Oregon George Andrews 11-22-2022 - 18:44
  Re: Camp 18 Logging Museum near Elsie, Oregon and...? 11-23-2022 - 12:14
  Re: Camp 18 Logging Museum near Elsie, Oregon John 11-24-2022 - 07:33

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