Replacement workers
Author: Ted
Date: 11-23-2022 - 12:09

George Andrews Wrote:

> Perhaps - But WHAT IF the rank & file just decide
> to " Chuck It " and find new careers ? We have
> all read of RR's desire to implement 1 person
> train crews; how about NO person crews ?

Why do you think Biden has kept the border wide open?
These are all much cheaper replacement workers just waiting to fill jobs
Most of them have railroad experience since they rode trains through Mexico to get here
For the price of one union hogger you can pay three or four migrants!
Add bunk beds in the locomotives, take turns on the throttle and they can have one crew per consist LA to NYC! The computer and PTC will do the rest!
Same for maintenance of way, signalmen, and other railroad positions
The Biden Administration has already killed thousands of union jobs so what's a few thousands more?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  UP embargoes h 11-22-2022 - 14:30
  Re: UP embargoes so what happens... 11-22-2022 - 14:49
  Re: UP embargoes Dr Zarkoff 11-22-2022 - 17:41
  Re: UP embargoes George Andrews 11-22-2022 - 18:53
  Re: UP embargoes Dr Zarkoff 11-22-2022 - 19:41
  Re: UP embargoes The Oracle 11-23-2022 - 09:44
  Re: UP embargoes E.H. Harriman 11-23-2022 - 10:59
  Re: UP embargoes Dr Zarkoff 11-23-2022 - 11:19
  Re: UP embargoes Ted 11-23-2022 - 12:13
  Re: UP embargoes Dr Zarkoff 11-23-2022 - 13:14
  Replacement workers Ted 11-23-2022 - 12:09
  Re: Replacement workers Ted Striker, budding welfare case 11-23-2022 - 15:05
  Re: Replacement workers High on the BS meter 11-24-2022 - 12:28
  Re: Replacement workers Huh? 11-25-2022 - 15:32
  Re: Replacement workers Duh! 11-26-2022 - 07:08
  What a dip wad Friend of Huh 11-28-2022 - 00:14

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