Re: Strong start to crazy of the month nominees. Mr pdt & Marx199 in early lead. FUDwanna484 wants in, as always. AngryJoe finally angry again.
Author: Annoyed
Date: 12-02-2022 - 21:56

Author: PHall
Date: 12-02-2022 - 15:55

Don’t forget my asinine ramblings.

Loser that nitpicks all day criticizes TAW's commendable effort to contact Congress. While never doing anything ever to help rail labor.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Strong start to crazy of the month nominees. Mr pdt & Marx199 in early lead. FUDwanna484 wants in, as always. AngryJoe finally angry again. 24 hours of insane 12-02-2022 - 12:22
  Re: Strong start to crazy of the month nominees. Mr pdt & Marx199 in early lead. FUDwanna484 wants in, as always. AngryJoe finally angry again. PHall 12-02-2022 - 15:55
  Re: Strong start to crazy of the month nominees. Mr pdt & Marx199 in early lead. FUDwanna484 wants in, as always. AngryJoe finally angry again. Annoyed 12-02-2022 - 21:56
  Re: Strong start to crazy of the month nominees. Mr pdt & Marx199 in early lead. FUDwanna484 wants in, as always. AngryJoe finally angry again. Callum Out 12-03-2022 - 01:34
  Re: Strong start to crazy of the month nominees. Mr pdt & Marx199 in early lead. FUDwanna484 wants in, as always. AngryJoe finally angry again. Water Hot 12-03-2022 - 14:24
  "plz type a fw mo letrs 2 tel uz wher u r talkn bout" - pdt Iron E. 12-03-2022 - 15:32
  Re: "plz type a fw mo letrs 2 tel uz wher u r talkn bout" - pdt SS 12-04-2022 - 14:19
  "I only want responses with FACTS, not opinions" - PHall Iron E. 12-04-2022 - 13:46
  (Rails wanting to strike because they don't get time off) "Thousands of you should take the time off to go to DC to protest and lobby" - (unasked) consultant FUDawanna484 Well thought out 12-03-2022 - 16:07

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