Which Transit System Takes First Place?
Author: Phil Washington
Date: 03-15-2023 - 13:08

Between BART and the L.A. Metro's "Lines of Color", which transit system comes out on top in being the most "third world" and a haven for drug users?


This guy is probably on his way to a trade school to learn how to be a plumber:


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Which Transit System Takes First Place? Phil Washington 03-15-2023 - 13:08
  Re: I see Nancy is back to posting more selfies, while posing as other people on AP..... BOB2 03-15-2023 - 13:17
  Re: I see Nancy is back to posting more selfies, while posing as other people on AP..... BLOB222 03-15-2023 - 17:27
  If he took a dookie would that be a BLM-BM? >;D 03-15-2023 - 20:44
  Re: Lackawana484 is a moron! Trainorders sucks 03-15-2023 - 18:01
  Re: Which Transit System Takes First Place? BOB4D 03-15-2023 - 15:48
  Re: Which Transit System Takes First Place? That Bus Guy 03-15-2023 - 17:09
  Nancy, you are on ignore BOB2 03-15-2023 - 20:30
  Yes BM Bob Nancy Pelosi is a troll and mega rich troll >;D 03-15-2023 - 20:46
  Re: Nancy, you are on ignore-Nope Nancy is just posting as BOB2 BOB2 03-15-2023 - 21:35
  Re: Nancy, you are on ignore-Nope Nancy is just posting as BOB2 Nanny Dew 03-16-2023 - 05:35
  A lot of anger Casual Observer 03-16-2023 - 08:10

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