Helena, Boulder Valley, & Butte, 1895 pic
Author: Hontana Mystorical Society
Date: 03-16-2023 - 09:27

Montana: land of hicks, ticks, and a few California refugees like our missing friend PDXrailtranspo.

"A Northern Pacific train cruised on tracks curving down hillside in series of switchbacks on Aug. 23, 1895. Photography Frank Haynes' Palace Car is last car of train. This was taken by Haynes two miles south of Jefferson City, Montana, in the Boulder valley. This was part of the Helena, Boulder Valley, & Butte Railroad Track." - MT Hist. Soc.

Not "switchbacks" in the railroad sense. Pretty damn steep grade.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Helena, Boulder Valley, & Butte, 1895 pic Hontana Mystorical Society 03-16-2023 - 09:27

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