Re: Mayhem on Long Beach line
Author: Yike
Date: 05-22-2023 - 12:32

That’s pretty scary for the woman victim.
The fentanyl market is flooded. One pill is $1, so I read. Maybe it fueled this attack?
It ain’t gonna end any time soon.

The woman might have been of Korean descent. Koreans own a lot of small businesses and are solid citizens. I suspect there are some who envy their success. Envy is an ugly emotion.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Mayhem on Long Beach line u 05-22-2023 - 11:19
  Re: Mayhem on Long Beach line Yike 05-22-2023 - 12:32
  Re: Mayhem on Long Beach line Shane Everson 05-22-2023 - 16:38
  Re: Mayhem on Long Beach line Peter C.Ely 05-24-2023 - 21:28

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