Re: LA pol unhappy with Compton train bangers
Author: Peter Ely
Date: 05-23-2023 - 11:20

They don't like anyone of Authority tell thems what to does. Janice Hahn can give a 🐀 rats tail about the Sheriff's and theMTA passengers. Free Watermelons 🍉 and hot dogs 🌭 coming to the Santa Monica rail opening and MTA socialist give aways stuffs. Yummy!


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  LA pol unhappy with Compton train bangers v 05-23-2023 - 11:08
  Re: LA pol unhappy with Compton train bangers Peter Ely 05-23-2023 - 11:20
  Re: LA pol unhappy with Compton train bangers Make LA American again 05-23-2023 - 12:59
  Re: LA pol unhappy with Compton train bangers Kevin DeLeon 05-23-2023 - 13:32
  Re: LA pol unhappy with Compton train bangers BOB2 05-23-2023 - 17:34
  Re: LA pol unhappy with Compton train bangers Shane Everson 05-24-2023 - 12:48
  Re: LA pol unhappy with Compton train bangers Michael Jarels 05-24-2023 - 16:16

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