Re: What if your MOW machine bursts into flames?
Author: Bob Guy the Union Rep
Date: 05-24-2023 - 13:17

nice catch Wrote:
> What if company executives were rolling by on an
> officer's special and saw a ballast regulator on
> fire? Would questions be asked?
> "On May 16, 2023 a CP ballast regulator burst into
> flames just as I was driving by, so I got out and
> got a quick video for you guys since no one else
> has ever made a video of a ballast regulator on
> fire!"
> []

This is invalid. Why, because CP doesn't exist anymore. What it used to be is now called CPKC. Thank you.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  What if your MOW machine bursts into flames? nice catch 05-23-2023 - 21:54
  Re: What if your MOW machine bursts into flames? Bob Guy the Union Rep 05-24-2023 - 13:17
  Re: What if your MOW machine bursts into flames? E.M. Frimbo 05-24-2023 - 17:22

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