Re:Thankfully we have the Amtrak Police.. Since the contractor's were nowhere to be seen... Fund the MTA Police...
Author: BOB2
Date: 09-02-2023 - 17:30

The only "adult" sworn officer on the scene was the Amtrak Police...? Why does that not really surprise me much? And the camera's, which recorded the assault, will get them arrested for assault, only to be released without bail, or any mental hold, by the idiot DA Gascon...

Nowhere to be scene are the LAPD or LACOSD who are paid to protect LAUPT since we disbanded the old SCRTD Police, and folded them into the SD to show "more cops" (not really more, same but with diff dept.). By the way there are also small hoards of useless "contract" "rent a cops" with no authority and no incentive who are paid to stand around "smoking and joking" all day by the MTA...

So yeah, as I noted last Spring, LAUPT has way too little proper law enforcement security for a major transit hub, this is also true for other significant threats as a major transit hub, all of the lessons of which, we seem to have largely forgotten since 9/11, the London, or the Madrid transit and commuter train attacks.

Would you expect an airport with 80,000 passengers a day passing through it to have an "Amtrak" Police Officer and kid's hired as "rent a cops" doing all visible security? Ask youself how many security officers would be on any given shirt at an airport with LAUPT's daily traffic in and out? One visible Amtrak Officer is not the A answer...

The MTA has proposed reinstating it's own sworn professional police force. A force who's sole job is not being a part time contractor department, padding MTA contractor time sheets with time spent on calls to investigate the crime after the crime has already occurred at MTA... But rather to "fund the police" with transit Police actually paid to keep MTA's riders safe in the first place?

Security failures, like this attacks at LAUPT, are a perfect example of something more important and more effective than MTA wasting $250,000 on traffic circles, that is a lot more cost effective in saving lives and reducing injuries, as well as putting those hundreds of thousands of former daily MTA riders, that MTA's security incompetence has lost, back on the trains and buses again.

And, with this kind of crime, too common, and with the world situation, and with the Oympics coming the current safety and security situation at LAUPT and on MTA as a whole is unacceptable, and needs to be fixed.

Now, if there were any indications that the current MTA management has got any plan to really deal with any of these security issues, in any better way than the failures MTA has demonstrated in it's failed bus and rail operational policies, that actually benefit the riding public, it would be nice to finally see them...?

Or will the need to get contractors more contracts continue to be the "top priority" for "customer service" at the MTA?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Man's Inhumanity to Man BOB33 and a third 09-02-2023 - 07:33
  Re: Man's Inhumanity to Man-Yep, it's just to bad for the perp that we put all of those camera's in... BOB2 09-02-2023 - 10:43
  Re: Man's Inhumanity to Man-Yep, it's just to bad for the perp that we put all of those camera's in... FUD 09-02-2023 - 13:39
  Re: Man's Inhumanity to Man- Or Micro Metro's relationship toall of this.. BOB2 09-02-2023 - 14:07
  But Wait! There's More . . . BOB78 RPM 09-02-2023 - 16:05
  Re:Thankfully we have the Amtrak Police.. Since the contractor's were nowhere to be seen... Fund the MTA Police... BOB2 09-02-2023 - 17:30
  Re: Man's Inhumanity to Man- Or Micro Metro's relationship toall of this.. BOB2 (REAL) 09-02-2023 - 17:08
  Re: Missed this dirty word little boy screed from the mentally ill troll... BOB2 09-04-2023 - 08:16

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