Re: New Amtrak long distance car concepts revealed
Author: Chief Ironside
Date: 09-03-2023 - 09:46

Actually, the comments under the story are pretty good.

When I rode on Amtrak’s CZ and Empire Builder in the 90s, I appreciated the seats and view from the lounge car the most. Without that car, the train would feel like a prison where you stay in your cell the entire trip.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  New Amtrak long distance car concepts revealed h 09-02-2023 - 10:45
  Re: New Amtrak long distance car concepts revealed Stu Bennet 09-02-2023 - 17:30
  Re: New Amtrak long distance car concepts revealed Chief Ironside 09-03-2023 - 09:46
  Thank you to Buttinskiwanna484 for the stale Capt Obvious analysis Worn out 09-03-2023 - 17:26

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