Re: Biden Administration Halts Fossil Fuel Transport By Train, Environmental Groups Triumph
Author: BOB2
Date: 09-06-2023 - 08:26

The fact is that there is NO Biden Administration halt to fossil fuel transport by train. The LNG ban on hauling LNG without a special permit, is back in effect, after it was removed by Trump,that's all... It's a headline, that is an outright lie, and the story is about LNG without a permit... Fossil fuels, including the fracking trains are still running, degassed, and safer than before LacMegantic...

Like the fracking gas transport rule (after wiping out Lac Magantic) that Trump rolled back to allow non degassed fracking oil, the RR's with enough lawsuits from things like Palestine, still refused to haul fracking oil unless it has been degassed. Similarly, the RRs's were not in any hurry to start hauling LNG, without a special permint, when this ban was lifted under Trump, either...

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  Biden Administration Halts Fossil Fuel Transport By Train, Environmental Groups Triumph Morning News 09-06-2023 - 07:15
  Re: Biden Administration Halts Fossil Fuel Transport By Train, Environmental Groups Triumph BOB2 09-06-2023 - 08:26
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  Re: Butt Boy Wants You To Stop Driving Guber 09-06-2023 - 18:25

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