Re: Commie foamer J Gilmore trying to rant cancel cult a poster with decades of rail experience
Author: Stone Cold Steve Reality
Date: 09-14-2023 - 06:54

It's gonna be a banner day-- RailDawg has questions and on the Eastern board, someone is asking if other people like trains. Yes, really. Meanwhile, Lance has awakened to another day of believing legions of paying members are awaiting a photo post from him, akin to Taylor Swift releasing a new version of one of her songs. Of course, what he doesn't realize is that all those photos he's junking up the forums with cost money to store.

The reality is that forums such as Trainorders and even this one right here are on the verge of death because unless the site owner is willing to fund a place for foamers to talk about nothing and dump their photo memory cards for all to see, the business model is dead. I was recently talking with a friend who runs a major fan site and the ad revenue has absolutely disappeared for railfan sites. They are losing major money and the future is not sustainable. Even charging what he does for membership, I will guarantee Todd is barely covering his costs, if at all.

Stone Cold

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Wabtec Trip Optimizer and LEADER chat Wah Wah Out 09-12-2023 - 22:10
  Re: Wabtec Trip Optimizer and LEADER troll chat Toadslee 09-13-2023 - 08:17
  Re: Wabtec Trip Optimizer and LEADER troll chat Stone Cold Steve Reality 09-13-2023 - 11:16
  Re: Wabtec Trip Optimizer and LEADER troll chat Railbaron 09-13-2023 - 19:35
  Commie foamer J Gilmore trying to rant cancel cult a poster with decades of rail experience A reader of many things 09-13-2023 - 21:03
  Re: Commie foamer J Gilmore trying to rant cancel cult a poster with decades of rail experience Swamp donkey 09-13-2023 - 21:38
  Re: Commie foamer J Gilmore trying to rant cancel cult a poster with decades of rail experience Stone Cold Steve Reality 09-14-2023 - 06:54
  "FRA makes many recommendations that are ignored" - PHall. "Like all of your posts." - everyone else L O L 09-14-2023 - 09:14
  Re: "FRA makes many recommendations that are ignored" - PHall. "Like all of your posts." - everyone else Stone Cold Steve Reality 09-16-2023 - 05:54
  Re: Commie foamer J Gilmore trying to rant cancel cult a poster with decades of rail experience @ "A read of many things" 09-17-2023 - 18:05
  "No really, Bill Ayers, Obama, Bernie, AOC & Fetterslob are centrists!" Arugula 09-17-2023 - 19:43
  Re: Commie foamer J Gilmore trying to rant cancel cult a poster with decades of rail experience @ "A reader of many things" 09-17-2023 - 20:21
  Re: Commie foamer J Gilmore trying to rant cancel cult a poster with decades of rail experience BOB2 09-17-2023 - 22:54
  Ignore the loser troll of many names (poorly) impersonating Bob2 again last night Arugula 09-18-2023 - 11:34
  Re: Ignore the loser troll of many names (poorly) impersonating Bob2 again last night - Nancy Scored Again BOB2 09-18-2023 - 12:19
  Re: The doped up mentally ill troll has an obsession.... BOB2 09-18-2023 - 18:52
  Re: Commie foamer J Gilmore trying to rant cancel cult a poster with decades of rail experience @ "A reader of many things" 09-19-2023 - 19:13
  Re: Commie foamer J Gilmore trying to rant cancel cult a poster with decades of rail experience BOB2 (REAL) 09-19-2023 - 19:31
  Re: Why does an obsessed latent repressed mentally ill troll like you post on AP... BOB2 09-20-2023 - 10:43

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