Re: And in other RR news... "Noting to see here", except the troll unable to spelll damn....
Author: BOB2
Date: 09-17-2023 - 07:02

BOB2 Wrote:
> BOB2 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Whoops...
> >
> > Nothing to see here....
> >
> > Reaters-MSN-Container go boom in RR yard.....
> >
> > It weren't no Roseville but...
> >
> > Local News feed Youtube... Choo choo container
> go
> > boom...
> >
> > A little chemistry lesson... Burn baby burn...
> >
> > Nothing to see here...
> Dam

How's the mental health this morning?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  And in other RR news... "Noting to see here...." BOB2 09-15-2023 - 10:47
  Re: And in other RR news... "Noting to see here...." BOB2 09-17-2023 - 01:33
  Re: And in other RR news... "Noting to see here", except the troll unable to spelll damn.... BOB2 09-17-2023 - 07:02

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