House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1
Author: Capitol Thrill
Date: 11-08-2023 - 17:10

Is the Amtrak president's salary next?


The bill — which was introduced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. — was passed via voice vote Tuesday as an amendment to the 2024 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, the standalone funding bill for the General Services Administration, Securities and Exchange Commission and other related agencies.

"I’m proud to announce my amendment to FIRE Pete Buttigieg just PASSED the House. Pothole Pete staged fake bike rides to the White House and used private planes funded by taxpayers to receive awards for the way certain people have sex," Greene said in a social media post Tuesday. "American taxpayers should not be on the hook for paying for his lavish trips or his salary."

"Pete Buttigieg doesn’t do his job. It’s all about fake photo ops and taxpayer-funded private jet trip to accept LGBTQ awards for him," Greene added. "I’m happy my amendment passed, but he doesn’t deserve a single penny."

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 Capitol Thrill 11-08-2023 - 17:10
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 Calm down... 11-08-2023 - 18:04
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 BNSF1995 11-08-2023 - 18:50
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 El Trolio 11-08-2023 - 19:02
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 rEpAraTiOns fOr rAcISt RoAds 11-08-2023 - 21:33
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 Charly Arnolt 11-08-2023 - 23:42
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 El Trolio 11-09-2023 - 09:22
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 Rear Admiral 11-09-2023 - 18:55
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 Missed the forest for the twig 11-09-2023 - 17:18
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 El Trolio 11-09-2023 - 17:44
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 theconductor 11-10-2023 - 18:09
  Re: Rapid Rise in Hatred Toward Jews Ben Shapiro 11-10-2023 - 20:37
  Re: Rapid Rise in Hatred Toward Jews El Trolio 11-12-2023 - 10:48
  Re: Rapid Rise in Hatred Toward Jews Rio Grande Fan 11-12-2023 - 16:46
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 Who is pete 11-09-2023 - 22:10
  Re: Train forum approves slashing A.P Trollsportation Secretary's septic sickness to scrap Posted: 21 years ago !? 11-10-2023 - 08:18

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