Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1
Author: BNSF1995
Date: 11-08-2023 - 18:50

Has Margie forgotten that the Senate is controlled by the Democrats? A budget slashing Pete's salary to a measly $1 will NEVER pass muster.

The GOP's attempts to subvert democracy are getting more and more pathetic.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 Capitol Thrill 11-08-2023 - 17:10
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 Calm down... 11-08-2023 - 18:04
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 BNSF1995 11-08-2023 - 18:50
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 El Trolio 11-08-2023 - 19:02
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 rEpAraTiOns fOr rAcISt RoAds 11-08-2023 - 21:33
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 Charly Arnolt 11-08-2023 - 23:42
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 El Trolio 11-09-2023 - 09:22
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 Rear Admiral 11-09-2023 - 18:55
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 Missed the forest for the twig 11-09-2023 - 17:18
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 El Trolio 11-09-2023 - 17:44
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 theconductor 11-10-2023 - 18:09
  Re: Rapid Rise in Hatred Toward Jews Ben Shapiro 11-10-2023 - 20:37
  Re: Rapid Rise in Hatred Toward Jews El Trolio 11-12-2023 - 10:48
  Re: Rapid Rise in Hatred Toward Jews Rio Grande Fan 11-12-2023 - 16:46
  Re: House approves bill slashing U.S. Transportation Secretary'ssalary to $1 Who is pete 11-09-2023 - 22:10
  Re: Train forum approves slashing A.P Trollsportation Secretary's septic sickness to scrap Posted: 21 years ago !? 11-10-2023 - 08:18

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