Re: Oh Lookie, It's the mentally ill troll posting as BOB2, and revealing he is really a Hamas virgin.... There is no evidience of a shortage of mental illness with some of these people, too....
Author: BOB2
Date: 11-12-2023 - 18:15

BOB2's mentally ill psychopathic neo Nazi sociopathic troll Wrote:
> Both Sides Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > One side is peacefully protesting genocide of
> > innocent people, the other side attempted to
> > violently overthrow the government and kill
> > members of congress based on a lie.
> >
> > BoTh SidEs aRe ThE SamE. . .
> I agree, free Palestine!

Does this kind of mentally ill troll post really get a mentally ill obsessed Hamas virgin like you off?

The terrorist's won't even know or care if you are really a virgin, they are as messed up high on the jihadi drug Captagon, as you are when you post this crap, so they won't care, either...

You are a mentally ill troll on a train chat board that needs psychiatric help before you do anytthing that may harm yourself or others.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  'Protesters' of Peace shut down Grand Central Station, pound on doors as police were barricaded inside It can happen here 11-11-2023 - 08:16
  Re: 'Protesters' of Peace shut down Grand Central Station... There is no evidence of a shortage of stupid these days.... BOB2 11-11-2023 - 09:29
  Re: 'Protesters' of Peace shut down Grand Central Station, pound on doors as police were barricaded inside Both Sides 11-12-2023 - 08:33
  Re: 'Protesters' of Peace shut down Grand Central Station, pound on doors as police were barricaded inside BOB2 11-12-2023 - 17:21
  Re: Oh Lookie, It's the mentally ill troll posting as BOB2, and revealing he is really a Hamas virgin.... There is no evidience of a shortage of mental illness with some of these people, too.... BOB2 11-12-2023 - 18:15
  Trolling BOB2 Gomer Pyle 11-12-2023 - 18:27
  Re: Trolling BOB2 Denver Pyle 11-14-2023 - 18:44
  Re: Oh Lookie, It's the mentally ill troll posting as BOB2, and revealing he is really a Hamas virgin.... There is no evidience of a shortage of mental illness with some of these people, too.... Nanny Dew 11-14-2023 - 21:55

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