Montana grassroots train lobbying DOA?
Author: Flark Cork
Date: 11-11-2023 - 16:34

I’m seeing federal funding going to the NEC and elsewhere for Amtrak. But the new Amtrak train route for Montana isn’t getting traction. Is the idea as dead now as it was in 1982?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Montana grassroots train lobbying DOA? Flark Cork 11-11-2023 - 16:34
  Re: Montana DOA? ...better DOA THAN HAVE TO BE IN MT ! My dial-up 404 error 11-11-2023 - 18:18
  Re: Montana grassroots train lobbying Bruce Kelly 11-13-2023 - 05:47
  Re: Montana grassroots train lobbying Bezos is laughing 11-13-2023 - 08:23

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