Quite nice and innovative. Someone noted that it would be illegal here due to ADA laws and impossible to modify to comply
Author: Hans
Date: 11-16-2023 - 19:06

I am jealous of Europe again. That train is nice! Though I would not call the couchette mini-pods spacious. Laying for several hours before sleeping might be uncomfortable. This is a young person's train.

Too bad we have the ham handed ADA. So in Europe having an accessible car is sufficient? Those couchette hallways look too narrow for a wheelchair. The duck in room entryways make it work for everyone else. Simple and brilliant. But the ADA zealots scream "Jim Crow" at common sense solutions. The perfect is the enemy of the good.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  New European night trains Ernest H. Robl 11-16-2023 - 13:11
  Quite nice and innovative. Someone noted that it would be illegal here due to ADA laws and impossible to modify to comply Hans 11-16-2023 - 19:06

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