Re: Just 1/2 a % of $450 billion a year would be great for Amtrak
Author: Fed up
Date: 11-20-2023 - 14:18

Rather waste 2.5 billion for Amtrak
Than 450 billion for a bunch of criminal leeches who should have never been allowed here
Much less sucking off taxpayers

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Just 1/2 a % of $450 billion a year would be great for Amtrak Fed up 11-20-2023 - 08:29
  Re: Just 1/2 a % of $450 billion a year would be great for Amtrak El Trolio 11-20-2023 - 10:45
  Re: Just 1/2 a % of $450 billion a year would be great for Amtrak Hoghead 1 11-20-2023 - 10:50
  Re: Just 1/2 a % of $450 billion a year would be great for Amtrak Not the ignorant El Trolio 11-20-2023 - 11:25
  Re: Just 1/2 a % of $450 billion a year would be great for Amtrak YEP 11-20-2023 - 11:36
  Should we give Amtrak more money when these days coach is worse than Greyhound? And who wants to ride Greyhound? 11-20-2023 - 12:18
  Re: Just 1/2 a % of $450 billion a year would be great for Amtrak El Trolio 11-21-2023 - 17:27
  Re: Just 1/2 a % of $450 billion a year would be great for Amtrak King Kong Bundy 11-22-2023 - 00:05
  Re: Just 1/2 a % of $450 billion a year would be great for Amtrak Devil Detail 11-20-2023 - 14:11
  Re: Just 1/2 a % of $450 billion a year would be great for Amtrak Fed up 11-20-2023 - 14:18
  Re: Just 1/2 a % of $450 billion a year would be great for Amtrak Sad Uncle Sam 11-20-2023 - 14:37
  Where Do I Sign Up Peter South 11-23-2023 - 21:10

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