Re: Orange County gets emergency funding to fix San Clemente landslide
Author: Hank
Date: 02-02-2024 - 13:51

“Decades of climate change” my ass… next thing you know, Greta Thumburg will show up with John Kerry to make us all feel guilty for being born !!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Orange County gets emergency funding to fix San Clemente landslide Commenter 02-02-2024 - 12:06
  Re: Orange County gets emergency funding to fix San Clemente landslide Hank 02-02-2024 - 13:51
  Re: Orange County gets emergency funding to fix San Clemente landslide Commenter 02-02-2024 - 19:00
  Re: Orange County gets emergency funding to fix San Clemente landslide Ocean Cleanup 02-04-2024 - 13:58

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