Re: Meanwhile, back to UP's 26-car Special To Vegas for the Super Bowl
Author: Dmac844
Date: 02-04-2024 - 14:37

Just curious, anyone have any info on where in Sin City this train will be parked? I haven't been to Vegas for years, but I know the downtown yard is long gone.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  UP's 26-car Special To Vegas for the Super Bowl D. B. Arthur 02-02-2024 - 21:15
  Re: UP's 26-car Special To Vegas for the Super Bowl Viva Las Vegas 02-02-2024 - 23:25
  Re: UP's 26-car Special To Vegas for the Super Bowl green liver wyoming 02-03-2024 - 00:49
  Re: UP's 26-car Special To Vegas for the Super Bowl Guest 02-03-2024 - 11:47
  Re: UP's 26-car Special To Vegas for the Super Bowl 123 02-03-2024 - 17:52
  Re: UP's 26-car Special To Vegas for the Super Bowl Hank 02-03-2024 - 19:11
  123 has TDS 456 02-03-2024 - 19:13
  Re: 123 has TDS and the mentally ill sexual predator didn't take long to post about his favorite hobby on this thread..... BOB2 02-03-2024 - 23:16
  Re: Meanwhile, back to UP's 26-car Special To Vegas for the Super Bowl BOB2 02-03-2024 - 23:25
  Re: Meanwhile, back to UP's 26-car Special To Vegas for the Super Bowl Dmac844 02-04-2024 - 14:37
  Re: Meanwhile, back to UP's 26-car Special To Vegas for the Super Bowl Mothra64 02-04-2024 - 23:50
  Re: UP's 26-car Special To Vegas for the Super Bowl can't be MAGA 02-04-2024 - 10:06
  Re: UP's 26-car Special To Vegas for the Super Bowl divarty 02-05-2024 - 12:27
  Re: UP's 26-car Special To Vegas for the Super Bowl Mark Jones 02-04-2024 - 16:17
  Re: UP's 26-car Special To Vegas for the Super Bowl FUD 02-04-2024 - 16:44

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