Re: Virtual Railfan camera
Author: The guesser
Date: 02-04-2024 - 22:11


The city insisted on city crews doing all maintenance with a minimum of 3 workers to screw in a light bulb (one of which must be non-binary, 2 must be non-male, and 2 must be minorities.)

The city insisted on them buying a maintenance contract with the city (at inflated prices.)

The city legal department had concerns.

The city determined that the hobby is too male white nationalist dominated and thus in the name of equity they must provide free subscriptions to margerinized people of colouring books.

The city demanded that VR become majority owned by minorities before they would sign a contract so the city could meet their contracting percentage mandates.

Council members and mayor and city manager strongly advised that they make large donations to Diversity, Inclusion and Equity charities that just coincidentally happen to be run by relatives and partners of these council members and mayor and city manager. With 90% of donations ending up going to "administrative expenses."

The city legal department haa more concerns and wants them to buy an insurance policy for the camera. In case they were sued for showing the wrong types of persons committing crimes.

The city wanted written into the contract that they could cancel it without penalty for any reason and without compensation.

The city demanded that messages of inclusion, approved by their diversity committee, be scrolled on the camera on a chyron 24/7.

The city legal department had more concerns. They want all faces blurred.

All of these demands and more were dripped out over time. Waiting until more physical, time and money investments had been made. With unexpected delays arising each time before the new request was made.

Some of the common tactics that lead to project Demflation.

Then the legal department had more concerns.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Virtual Railfan camera 02-04-2024 - 21:20
  Re: Virtual Railfan camera The guesser 02-04-2024 - 22:11
  Re: Virtual Railfan camera 02-04-2024 - 22:31
  Re: Virtual Railfan camera The Woke-ness Monster 02-05-2024 - 03:52
  Re: Virtual Railfan camera Fullerton bridge, yea right! ...the vagrant toilet aka elevator jam ...that is out of service most days 02-04-2024 - 23:27
  Re: Virtual Railfan camera Fullerton bridge, yea right! ...the vagrant toilet aka elevator jam 02-05-2024 - 06:43
  Re: Virtual Railfan camera? A real answer? Fullerton and many other public places should have public camera's for public safety. BOB2 02-05-2024 - 11:18
  Re: Virtual Railfan camera? A real answer? Fullerton and many other public places should have public camera's for public safety. The guesser 02-05-2024 - 11:54
  Re: Virtual Railfan camera? A real answer? Fullerton and many other public places should have public camera's for public safety. The adder 02-05-2024 - 12:28

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