$10 million only buys some Whack-A-Mole disaster response?
Author: Grady
Date: 02-05-2024 - 17:14

It is hard to believe $10 million in Cal bucks will solve the problem. Something is better than nothing. But how much wall can they build? Is it only that slide area? How far up the hill will they be able to stabilize? I hope it works.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Transit officials announce plans to build barrier wall along train tracks in San Clemente Commenter 02-05-2024 - 15:20
  Re: Transit officials announce plans to build barrier wall along train tracks in San Clemente Goober 02-05-2024 - 16:14
  Re: Transit officials announce plans to build barrier wall along train tracks in San Clemente Mr. Fixit 02-05-2024 - 16:33
  $10 million only buys some Whack-A-Mole disaster response? Grady 02-05-2024 - 17:14
  Re: $10 million only buys some Whack-A-Mole disaster response? FUD 02-05-2024 - 17:52

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