Do you take traveler's checks?
Author: John
Date: 02-05-2024 - 21:36

So a "lady of the evening" could have conceivably worked train 75 from Glendale to San Luis Opispo and, after a short layover, caught train 76 back to Glendale to get her back to her point of origin and giving her two separate groups of clients. Pity the John who had to endure "sloppy seconds". The Pullman porters were probably kept busy changing sheets. The northern California working girls could do the same thing with a San Jose-Paso Robles turn.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Meanwhile for folks who actually like trains and miss the SP, try this..... BOB2 02-05-2024 - 17:30
  Re: Meanwhile for folks who actually like trains and miss the SP, try this..... Special Agent Bull 02-05-2024 - 20:11
  Re: for men who outgrew trains Overnight business trip 02-05-2024 - 20:53
  Do you take traveler's checks? John 02-05-2024 - 21:36
  How about the Starlight? relentlesscactus 02-05-2024 - 22:48

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