Re: Activists Gunning for Control of Norfolk Southern and Ouster of CEO
Author: Peter Short
Date: 02-06-2024 - 16:48

The CEO of NS has turned his back on PSR and not laid off all kinds of train personel, instead
cross training them for engine service. Trains magazine ran a piece on this a couple of issues ago and they wondered if activist investors would tolerate keeping people around and
preparing for the eventual upturn in traffic -- looks like they are not tolerating making
future profits and want their money now. UP is still cutting everywhere except on Superbowl

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Activists Gunning for Control of Norfolk Southern and Ouster of CEO Antifa Joe 02-06-2024 - 16:19
  Re: Activists Gunning for Control of Norfolk Southern and Ouster of CEO Uh oh 02-06-2024 - 16:30
  Re: Activists Gunning for Control of Norfolk Southern and Ouster of CEO Peter Short 02-06-2024 - 16:48
  Re: Activists Gunning for Control of Norfolk Southern and Ouster of CEO Uh oh 02-06-2024 - 17:36
  Re: Activists Gunning for Control of Norfolk Southern and Ouster of CEO retired 02-07-2024 - 08:00
  Re: Activists Gunning for Control of Norfolk Southern and Ouster of CEO Guest 02-07-2024 - 17:05
  Re: Activists Gunning for Control of Norfolk Southern and Ouster of CEO Peter Ely 02-07-2024 - 21:03

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