Re: How India electrified 45% of its railway network in just five years
Author: Cool Indeed
Date: 02-08-2024 - 14:56

Yep, from what I’ve seen, Indian engineers form close bonds and good working relationships at university. Many started out poor and worked very hard. So when they are put on a project team, they work hard to get it done. Tip o’ the turban to them.

I’m sure India doesn’t have all the political constraints we have in the US either that slow projects down.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  How India electrified 45% of its railway network in just five years Commenter 02-08-2024 - 14:28
  Re: How India electrified 45% of its railway network in just five years Cool Indeed 02-08-2024 - 14:56

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