Re: Where did they park the UP Super Bowl Special in Vegas?
Author: wild guess
Date: 02-10-2024 - 18:20

There's a long siding/3rd track and (per Google at least) remnants of a platform at the old Amtrak station site. Not too far from the stadium and party hotels. Could probably park the train there.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Where did they park the UP Super Bowl Special in Vegas? Kenny Rogers 02-09-2024 - 12:20
  On the dance floor. Thus got towed away. Roasters 02-09-2024 - 13:47
  Re: On the dance floor. Thus got towed away. Elvis 02-09-2024 - 14:43
  Re: Where did they park the UP Super Bowl Special in Vegas? Pawn Star 02-09-2024 - 15:15
  Re: Where did they park the UP Super Bowl Special in Vegas? Mark Jones 02-09-2024 - 18:02
  Re: Where did they park the UP Super Bowl Special in Vegas? wild guess 02-10-2024 - 18:20
  Re: Where did they park the UP Super Bowl Special in Vegas? Where's Waldo Contest? Waldo 02-11-2024 - 09:47

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