Re: Ancora proposes retreads to "fix" NS
Author: Ghost of mergers past
Date: 02-20-2024 - 10:32

I have to say, I laughed out loud at what you wrote. Back in the 80s no one wanted to lead a railroad. Now it’s a hot job.

I was looking at the list of people for the new management. One is a former “EVP of Precision Scheduled Railroading.” That sounds like a BS artist.

Another name is a lady who is an “equity research analyst”. That one sounds extremely dangerous. These powerful broads are the ones who take all in divorces.

The NS stock is already rebounding. It was just in a normal downtrend pattern that prices follow. Prices don’t go straight up all the time the way people expect.

I kind of wish there was an employee ownership model that protected the company from Wall Street vultures.

Used tire salesman Wrote:
> "I got a couple of lightly-used ones I can sell
> you. I'll make a good deal, but just for you,
> because I like you."
> []
> thern/news/Investor-group-proposes-new-leaders-for
> -Norfolk-Southern--71294

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Ancora proposes retreads to "fix" NS Used tire salesman 02-20-2024 - 09:54
  Re: Ancora proposes retreads to "fix" NS Ghost of mergers past 02-20-2024 - 10:32

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