Re: It's an out of context dishonest hit piece by the highly partisan and thoroughly discredited infamous Wonkette blog. OT but maybe Comm. wants to out TOMN the TOMN
Author: Future Primitive
Date: 03-27-2024 - 17:30

Lame Wrote:
> Weird way to be entertained. Wonkette is a leftist
> spin machine. The political equivalent of Weekly
> World News. Some people will believe anything.
> TOMN's Trigger/El Trolio fake political wars
> mostly disappear and you want to start it back up?

About the death/rebirth of Wonk:

"B-but you’re broke.
The terms of our sale are confidential. But I don’t even need to give him any money up front, I just give him a percentage off the top each month until it’s paid off."

I worked with Rebecca (on another VV planet) and R is the greatest human EVER to send me to EVERY awful bar on Earth!

Even 45 saved the final-nail media from certain death! He could not save media from terminal media consolidation though!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Purely for entertainment. And reduced traffic deaths. Commenter 03-26-2024 - 13:56
  It's an out of context dishonest hit piece by the highly partisan and thoroughly discredited infamous Wonkette blog. OT but maybe Comm. wants to out TOMN the TOMN Lame 03-27-2024 - 14:32
  Re: It's an out of context dishonest hit piece by the highly partisan and thoroughly discredited infamous Wonkette blog. OT but maybe Comm. wants to out TOMN the TOMN Future Primitive 03-27-2024 - 17:30
  Re: It's an out of context dishonest hit piece by the highly partisan and thoroughly discredited infamous Wonkette blog. OT but maybe Comm. wants to out TOMN the TOMN BOB2 04-08-2024 - 09:03

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