Bayshore Tank and Boiler Shop Destroyed?
Author: R Ruiz
Date: 03-28-2024 - 23:39

I saw from Caltrain yesterday that the Bayshore shops Tank and Boiler Shop, long used by Lazzari fuels was heavily damaged by a fire. The steel frame is probably salvageable, but the developer has done little to secure the historic structures they own while they keep their project in limbo - a limbo that is likely to persist given that their proposal was almost all commercial office space due the Brisbane's requirement that the new development have nearly no housing.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Bayshore Tank and Boiler Shop Destroyed? R Ruiz 03-28-2024 - 23:39
  Re: Bayshore Tank and Boiler Shop Destroyed? Sand Dome 03-29-2024 - 10:28

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