Re: Submitted For Your Approval * Two-hundred-fifty-sixth Installment
Author: ke6qr
Date: 06-01-2024 - 10:24

Great photo and information D.B! The best part of the earlier excursion's was that the hosting railroads trusted the steam engines out on the High Iron unassisted, no diesels. I remember seeing the 4449 steaming through the Bay area many times in the 1980s with her long daylight painted train always unassisted. However, I do remember a freshly washed SP diesel running about 5 minutes ahead of it a few time just in case. It was the only time I saw an SP scarlet and grey diesel that was clean and not extremely dirty. They had class back then. Keep them coming D.B.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Submitted For Your Approval * Two-hundred-fifty-sixth Installment D. B. Arthur 05-31-2024 - 08:58
  Re: Submitted For Your Approval * Two-hundred-fifty-sixth Installment ke6qr 06-01-2024 - 10:24
  Re: Submitted For Your Approval * Two-hundred-fifty-sixth Installment D. B. Arthur 06-02-2024 - 14:41

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