Re: CPR 2816 KILLS WOMAN IN THE FOUL - MEXICO -- When did they get o.k.
Author: Gordon Shaw
Date: 06-05-2024 - 16:18

There was press not all that long ago that Mexico was not going to allow the locomotive in
Mexico. Glad it made it, sorry it hit someone, but maybe others will learn from her mistake.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  CPR 2816 KILLS WOMAN IN THE FOUL - MEXICO More E stupid.. 06-04-2024 - 20:45
  Re: CPR 2816 KILLS WOMAN IN THE FOUL - MEXICO Lots of people filmed this 06-04-2024 - 20:58
  Re: CPR 2816 KILLS WOMAN IN THE FOUL - MEXICO LEFT SEAT 06-04-2024 - 21:18
  Re: CPR 2816 KILLS WOMAN IN THE FOUL - MEXICO John 06-05-2024 - 08:10
  Re: CPR 2816 KILLS WOMAN IN THE FOUL - MEXICO Hoghead 1 06-05-2024 - 10:13
  Re: CPR 2816 KILLS WOMAN IN THE FOUL - MEXICO Cowboy 06-05-2024 - 12:32
  Re: CPR 2816 KILLS WOMAN IN THE FOUL - MEXICO Norman Schultze 06-05-2024 - 13:17
  Re: CPR 2816 KILLS WOMAN IN THE FOUL - MEXICO -- When did they get o.k. Gordon Shaw 06-05-2024 - 16:18
  Re: CPR 2816 KILLS WOMAN IN THE FOUL - MEXICO-I see that the mentally ill sexual predator is trolling as BOB2 again.... BOB2 06-05-2024 - 13:33
  "CPKC may exit railroading following steam train death" - TO braintrust Gene Puhl 06-05-2024 - 20:33
  Huge interest in #2816 among Mexicans. Wow. Mucho bueno 06-06-2024 - 11:02
  Re: Huge interest in #2816 among Mexicans. Wow. Jingo 06-06-2024 - 16:54
  Re: Huge interest in #2816 among Mexicans. Wow. Walmart greeter 06-06-2024 - 19:11
  Re: Huge interest in #2816 among Mexicans. Wow. ??? 06-06-2024 - 19:33
  Re: Huge interest in #2816 among Mexicans. Wow. D.O.Gee 06-07-2024 - 08:07
  Re: Huge interest in #2816 among Mexicans. Wow. El Toro Pancho 06-09-2024 - 16:47

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