Re: BNSF Railway announced three key leadership changes
Author: Rational Man
Date: 06-05-2024 - 16:12

Ah yes. White, Woke female CEOs are very much into putting other White women into top roles. The White feminist movement sees companies as structures of power to be divided equally among genders and races. Women are hard wired for “fairness”. Every girl on the soccer team gets equal play time. White girl bosses also bring high school drama, mood swings, their left wing private college degree, PMS, and menopausal rage to a workplace. White women attend “women in leadership” conferences to build an artificial self confidence. Men and bright Asian women attend technical conferences to improve their skills.

Yes, men and women are different. White women are B students and Marxist. Asian women are A students and libertarian.

Oh well, a railroad today can run itself. It doesn’t need a bright leader. The days of exciting, innovative railroading are long over.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  BNSF Railway announced three key leadership changes RR PR News 06-05-2024 - 15:36
  Re: BNSF Railway announced three key leadership changes Rational Man 06-05-2024 - 16:12
  Re: BNSF Railway announced three key leadership changes Dan 06-05-2024 - 17:15
  Re: BNSF Railway announced three key leadership changes Rational Man 06-05-2024 - 18:44
  Re: BNSF Railway announced three key leadership changes El Trolio 06-05-2024 - 20:12
  Re: BNSF Railway announced three key leadership changes-And, of course, a post from the mentally ill troll hates women.... BOB2 06-06-2024 - 07:55
  Re: BNSF Railway announced three key leadership changes-And, of course, a post from the mentally ill troll hates women.... Sgt. Joe Friday 06-06-2024 - 08:30
  Well the OP started it. Sorry for getting triggered The Troll 06-06-2024 - 12:06

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