Trainnews News
Author: Espee99
Date: 07-06-2024 - 17:02

I retired Trainnews and ended my working timnelast year to spend time with my wife and enjoy retirement. However, early this year I lost her to cancer and the sadness returns daily. She would want me to continue living and enjoying life without her.

To that end I am caring for our 3 pups and going about the daily routine. This takes up time but I am left with a lot of nothing to do on the weekends where we would enjoy local travels.

Therefore I am going to try and bring back 'Trainnews' as a weekly posting. I will try and start in late July early August as I get all the servers and data bases back up to date.

I am not sure what format it will take, but the photos mailbox is still open for any pictures to be placed in the new postings.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Trainnews News Espee99 07-06-2024 - 17:02
  Re: Trainnews News cbk 07-07-2024 - 21:42
  Re: Trainnews News Riverson 07-08-2024 - 11:23
  Re: Trainnews News LongLiveSP 07-08-2024 - 12:23
  Re: Trainnews News Windows 95 07-08-2024 - 12:35
  ⊚ ← Like button Commenter 07-08-2024 - 14:33
  Boy, it IS old... Commenter 07-08-2024 - 14:35
  Re: Boy, it IS old...this may or may not help OLD BOY 07-08-2024 - 15:59

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