The post made at 16:55 is dispensing false information. It's trying to convey that the post made at 16:09 takes the viewer to an episode of Fox News' "The Five."
This is false.
While "The Five" is an excellent and informative show, the post made at 16:55
ACTUALLY provides a link to a
VERY INFORMATIVE Youtube video by Paul Joseph Watson that shows us just how F _ C K E D up Joe Biden, his son, and their whole family is.
It really would be nice if people here at Altamont Press would cease from posting false and misleading info. I recognize that, with BOB2 on the scene, that would be expecting too much.
For your easy access, here's the link to the Paul Joseph Watson video again:
And since someone was b i t c h i n g that there wasn't enough rail content on this site, here's another rail-themed political cartoon from a few years ago. Looks like the artist was working off a photo of a GP-40 or something. To update it, replace the word "Kavanaugh" with "Trump".