Meanwhile for folks who have a thing about running rail gates in Florida...
Author: BOB2
Date: 07-08-2024 - 18:00

For those who have a death wish about running around rail gates in Florida...

Florida is cracking down on running rail gates...

This $500 fine is kind of a joke though...

Make it a grand every time and that will at least get a lot more folks' attention...

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Meanwhile for folks who have a thing about running rail gates in Florida... BOB2 07-08-2024 - 18:00
  Re: Meanwhile for folks who have a thing about running rail gates in Florida... Idea Man 07-08-2024 - 18:11
  Re: Meanwhile for folks who have a thing about running rail gates in Florida... Old White Guy 07-09-2024 - 08:30
  Did "Florida Man" Visit Texas? BOB2's Erectile Dysfunction Doctor 07-09-2024 - 14:34
  Re: Did "Florida Man" Visit Texas? Is the TOMN having problems? BOB2 07-09-2024 - 15:09

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