They're learning to play with crayons while away at Fantasy Planning Camp this summer...
Author: BOB2
Date: 07-27-2024 - 11:04

They've given the children attending Fantasy Planning Camp crayons and maps to play with...

As Humphry Bogart put it: "The stuff that dreams are made of...."

I used to do this sort of thing back when I was ten, too... Imagining all of the new freeways that might be built by Ike...

Caltrans also created fantasy maps back then with things like the Beverly Hills Freeway, the Richard M Nixon Freeway, and the Rosemead Blvd. Freeway...

Then later, when I decided I wanted to do this sort of thing for real... They forced me to actually go back and take all of that calculus first, just to be able get into all of the other classes I needed to take...

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  They're learning to play with crayons while away at Fantasy Planning Camp this summer... BOB2 07-27-2024 - 11:04
  Re:Fantasy Planning - Map shows high-speed rail connecting major US cities across the nation: 'Nationwide access remains our goal' I'm so high, I'm scared to come down! 07-27-2024 - 11:21
  Re: Fantasy Planning Camp... Question for Bob2 07-27-2024 - 11:39
  Re: Fantasy Planning Camp... Oh yeah, the 57 extension was actually a very early project in my second career... BOB2 07-27-2024 - 12:32
  Re: Fantasy Planning Camp... Oh yeah, the 57 extension was actually a very early project in my second career... WOW! 07-27-2024 - 13:08
  Only Those Who Are Asleep (in more ways than one) Can Dream Ana Gtccx 07-27-2024 - 20:21
  Re: They're learning to play with crayons while away at Fantasy Planning Camp this summer... BOB2 08-01-2024 - 12:16
  Re: They're learning all about the TOMN's favorite sexual Fantasy BOB2 08-01-2024 - 14:50
  Re: They're learning all about the TOMN's favorite sexual Fantasy Nancy 08-01-2024 - 14:52

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