Re: New Nick Andert vid on K Line North Extension? LMAO-Can't do cost benefit without costs for Hollywood Bowl and other observations......
Author: BOB2
Date: 07-29-2024 - 12:51

What will it cost to add Hollywood Bowl for 100 new riders per day (a more realistic number than the utter BS SOFI number of 4600).

A bowl station would likely switch some existing local transit users, and more likely create a new "viable" trip choice for the future populations with "trip viable" acess to the Metro system. But since we have an excellent "regional" highly "time/cost" competitive bus feeder system to the Bowl now. And this system will still provide much more efficient transit to the existing base of transit users to the events at the Bowl, so net "new" riders would be low.

The degree of difficulty to put in or retrofit a Hollywood Bowl Stations on the original Red Line are not cheap, as this video mentions, and there is no cost for this "last minute" "add on". As he mentions, there is no cost for this Hollywood Bowl last minute "add on" but from experience and memory going back to the planning of the Red Line, it is going to be very expensive.

Now as to the rest of his complaints about costs and some other stuff, some of it is naive and hopeful, and starry-eyed wishful thinking even, and some good common sense, an inkling that some of this is bullshit, but he still has a lot to learn on several levels.

But he is certainly right about some things, as I have also noted there's plenty of bloat into many of these costs and some of the more costly design options have plenty of incentive to hide bits and pieces, so as to make the lipstick look better on the pig...

On the other hand, I've seen worse and the number have always looked good since we started looking at this around 2009. I would have preferred a "two line" option restoring the route between WLA and Hollywood via Santa Monica Blvd (old SM PE route), with a common segment via the Fairfax extension option to Hollywood. It would save a lot of tunneling. And connect a lot more trip generators on the Westside.

Now, if we didn't have Stephanie and Mayor Butts putting $2 billion taxpayer dollars of wasted money int a giant public taxpayer fed "tough" full of money out to fatten up the starving contractors...

Maybe there are real and obvious reasons the we can't seem to have some of the things we "need", because we are spending too much on things wealthy stadium owners, contractors, and politicians "want", instead?

Then we would only use the waste, bloat, and corruption of the SOFI "cesspool", to fund this, and to make an equally obscene project mark up by building at least the kind of "gold-plated projects that a whole lot of real folks would actually "use".

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  New Nick Andert vid on K Line North Extension R Ruiz 07-29-2024 - 11:25
  Re: New Nick Andert vid on K Line North Extension? LMAO-Can't do cost benefit without costs for Hollywood Bowl and other observations...... BOB2 07-29-2024 - 12:51

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