Re: Fantasy 60s merger: WP - DRGW - MOP
Author: Guest
Date: 07-31-2024 - 07:41

If you're interested in mergers that failed try reading: Main Lines

I wasn't aware the MoPac was working towards a merger with the ATSF but it failed due to a difference on management philosophies (to put it politely.)

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Fantasy 60s merger: WP - DRGW - MOP Perlman Jenks 07-30-2024 - 20:37
  Re: Fantasy 60s merger: WP - DRGW - MOP Ghost of E.H. Harriman 07-30-2024 - 20:47
  Re: Fantasy 60s merger: WP - DRGW - MOP Guest 07-31-2024 - 07:41

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