You Can Post Pictures of Trains Here and People STILL Get Pissed
Author: Ana Gtccx
Date: 08-02-2024 - 23:53

Thanks, Liarwannamenter Wrote:
> You're becoming as big a poli-spammer as TOMN and Liarwanna. We'd like to talk trains here not your political agenda. Stop polluting the board.

It doesn't matter whether the subject of the discussion thread involves trains or not. People STILL get pissed and feel compelled to write their snarky comments. For example, there was the discussion thread from July 18 that showed a photo from the Amtrak website of a couple sitting in a Superliner deluxe bedroom.

You wouldn't believe the amount of excrement that hit the fan --- for posting a train picture! Here's a link to the discussion thread:


What a photo on the Amtrak website has in common with a cartoon. 07-18-2024, 23:27

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Trump, Harris offer starkly different paths on transportation policy Commenter 08-01-2024 - 11:47
  Re: Trump, Harris offer starkly different paths on transportation policy Aced It 08-02-2024 - 09:48
  Oh yes I'm sure the Marxist bloggers Commiementer posts here will fairly pick what quotes to exclude and include Thanks, Liarwannamenter 08-02-2024 - 15:28
  Re: Oh yes, I'm sure the TOMN posts here will fairly pick what quotes to exclude and include to meet whatever their fantasy is.... LMAO.... BOB2 08-02-2024 - 15:43
  Re: Oh yes I'm sure the Marxist bloggers Commiementer posts here will fairly pick what quotes to exclude and include I'ma M'gaga 08-02-2024 - 16:56
  You Can Post Pictures of Trains Here and People STILL Get Pissed Ana Gtccx 08-02-2024 - 23:53
  A vote for Kamala is a vote for Obama's FOURTH term. Ana Gtccx 08-03-2024 - 00:02
  Re: Trump, Harris offer starkly different paths on transportation policy I'ma M'gaga 08-03-2024 - 11:23
  Re: Trump, Harris offer starkly different paths on transportation policy Anonymous 08-03-2024 - 12:00
  Re: Starkly different paths. to trolling AP, depending on which multiple personality disorder Nancy is posting as? BOB2 08-03-2024 - 14:10

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