Re: What Type of Knife Do You Recommend the TOMN post about from 2017 high on a meth run to troll AP
Author: Church Fink
Date: 08-03-2024 - 12:09

BOB2 Wrote:
> Ana Gtccx Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > BOB2 Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > For all of those who come to AP because you
> > actually like trains and railroads... The July
> > installment of the Gold Line construction
> video...
> > And for folks who are out today in the area,
> live
> > wire high speed testing is going on today....
> >
> > Are they also having future passengers test the
> > effectiveness of knives for both aggression and
> > self-defense? When will they be testing guns?
> >
> >
> []-
> > ends-in-stabbing-on-gold-line-train/
> Oh Nancy, is this the best a latent repressed hate
> filled mentally ill meth head troll can come up
> with while smoking meth on a Friday night...
> An incident from 7 years ago on the Gold Line is
> the best you could do while doing your researc
> high on a meth induced troll run?
> Is it good that most of tonight's meth run was
> about posting your latest typical variations on
> racist/neo-Nazi memes? And that you only posted
> once about your infantile mentally ill
> inappropriate sexual perversions, the story about
> your 3-way on the NYC commuter train, which unlike
> most of your unsolicited sick predator troll
> posts, seemed to be consensual.

Song: "Oogy Wawa" by "The Church Keys"

I saw the Church Keys play the Continental. As always a big part of the show was the band opening large bottles of Ballantine ale with the bottle opener attached to Sugar Boy's guitar. This of course made Trigger (the bar manager) furious. He spent the rest of the set screaming over the band that what they had done was wrong, illegal, downright criminal and they would pay for it. No outside drinks, you know. The band simply continued there set as if there weren't a raging man in a conical bamboo hat yelling at them. He never stopped, and neither did they.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Meanwhile, for Gold Medal performance on the Gold Line BOB2 08-02-2024 - 08:32
  What Type of Knife Do You Recommend For My Trip on the Gold Line Extension? Ana Gtccx 08-03-2024 - 00:11
  Re: What Type of Knife Do You Recommend the TOMN post about from 2017 high on a meth run to troll AP BOB2 08-03-2024 - 08:26
  Re: What Type of Knife Do You Recommend the TOMN post about from 2017 high on a meth run to troll AP Church Fink 08-03-2024 - 12:09
  Re: What Type of Knife Do You Recommend the TOMN post about from 2017 high on a meth run to troll AP AP Cycle 08-03-2024 - 16:04

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